Wednesday 21 May 2014

Beta Buttonduinos getting ready for shipping

If you were one of the lucky few that ordered a Beta Buttonduinos,then youll be happy to know that they are prepping  for shipping. If you didnt preorder yours as yet then get it on indiegogo before the campain ends . Click here

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Wireless Tiny Arduino working via RF

BREAKING NEWS - ButtonDuino now works wirelessly via RF :D. Maximum distance tests shall be conducted soon. Communication uses one pin only however, it is a one way communication. Use ButtonDuino a tiny wireless sensor to transmit your data. You can link up to128 devices via i2c to your wireless module and send all of it via RF.

Saturday 8 March 2014

Force Sensitive Resistor with ButtonDuino

Buttonduino can now be used to measure force using a Force Sensitive Resistor or FSR. The component can measure up to 10 Newtons of force. If you arr tired of just looking at numbers then why not use the ready made LabVIEW GUI to view force over time as well as instantaneous force. The most simplest way to debug and get started with ButtonDuino.

Monday 3 March 2014

Virtual Wire working on Attiny

Buttonduino Virtual wire now working on a Attiny85. However the data rate is very slow because of a HID protocol is being used to display the information thru USB. We are currently working on reducing the delay while maintaining data integrity.

On the brighter side. Buttonduino will become wireless soon through RF.

Code for the attiny85 will be available soon but watch these places for more details and code.